Reach One, Teach One

December 2, 2014(edited 2016)

“What are We Teaching the next Generation thru our Actions? They will Remember our Actions long after our Words have left their Ears. Are they Learning that We are All Connected, and to take care of each Other, and the Plants and Animals? Are they Learning that they are All Unique…and that they All have Valuable Contributions to make to the World? Are they Learning to Respect Each Other, and All Beings on Earth?…I know I have areas where I fall short of the mark…We are Responsible, I am Responsible for Teaching those who follow us, so that they can Teach those who follow them so our ways, Earth People Ways will not disappear, so Love and Respect, Caring and Sharing, and Helping Others will become a THE Way of Life, and corruption and greed will just wither up and fall away from their consciousnesses. Teach them to…Love and Respect. The New World IS coming….There is a New Sun, rising up Peaceful in the Sky….”  ~Doug 

Something to ponder…

In case you didn’t read about it, Doug was a friend who I was somewhat close to and he helped me in my life by sharing his daily thoughts and our chats via social media. When I didn’t see his words for a few days, I went to his personal page and found he’d passed away. I’m still filled with humble gratitude that his family graciously allowed me to continue to post his words. From there I began on a journey of self reflection while sharing my thoughts with his writing then until I felt confident to write and share my own freestyle writing.

Doug was a man who shared his experience, strength and hope with countless people not only in this country but all over the world. I soon discovered this as I started the social media page in his memory. His message was about creating peace thru love – love for each other. He shared this message with everyone he met. Even tho he’s Native American, he was much like Ghandi, JF Kennedy, and Dr Martin Luther King

I wanted to continue his message outside of his Daily Reflections in some of my freestyle writing so I began writing and collecting what I’d done in one place. I stumbled on this site where I could post my writing for free and eve. Tho I was nervous about it I think he gave me a little nudge from up above.

However as I look back I noticed my anger for the way things have been changing in the world, sadly, for the worse. I’ve noticed that the older I get and the more I watch the news the more I see so many things changing in the world – and not for the better either. In my sleepy lil town alone you can’t leave your car unlocked in your own driveway and heaven forbid you walk from point A to point B alone at night, especially if you’re a woman. Political Correctness has totally run amok in the last few years(read my post about Political Correctness) and mass casualties are becoming more and more common. So much so that we are becoming desensitized to them.

I recently wrote about being to small to make a difference. There are days when I say that to myself, especially in my own town. I forget that I have a voice and a passion for writing. The 2 of them combined with others is a powerful force that can be used for good. I can talk to and with other people about experience, strength and hope and I can even brainstorm on different ways to help. And even if I can’t change the world alone, I can change the world for one person. Then that one person can go on to help change another person and so on.

Take Doug for example. When he shared his Daily Reflections he started by helping one or two people. Next thing you know, I discoved he’s helped people in other countries. I’m one of the ones that Doug helped and by sharing what was freely shared with him and gratefully share with you. Every time you share the things I post, you’re helping someone somewhere even if it is just one person. It’s this fact that is my reason that I continue writing.

Thought for the day: Never forget that you do make a difference in the lives of other people even when it doesn’t feel like it.

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About Bella’s Thoughts. This is a project that I began in my mind a number of years ago when I began reading some daily meditations. I had my own thoughts on many occasions and attempted to journal many times without success. It began to take shape when I took on another project for a Spiritual Advisor and dear friend who past away. To learn more about me read my very first blog post. For more daily reflections go to...

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